activate innovation

Lead your business transformation

The path does not exist,
it is built by walking.

Antonio Machado

We are by your side to take a fresh look at your company, to consider it under new dynamics, to make new questions emerge and to bring concrete solutions.

Our raison d’être : create virtuous dynamics for people and their projects, to do good to people and companies.

The key of transformation is found in the co-construction of projects and group dynamic.

Our seminars are based on two axes: working together on powerful projects, and create the group dynamic to carry them.

Nothing is constant
except change.


The ETP proposes a realistic transformation model in which the leader can take a step-by-step approach to transformation while respecting the reality of his or her business operations.

Although the CEO is to be the first to reinvent himself, an EnTrePrise is a collective, united around a co-constructed vision that gives meaning, unites the teams and releases energies.

When one human dreams, it is only a dream, but if many humans dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality.


We speak at conferences because, like you, we believe in collective intelligence. We are at your service to build a conference on the themes of the transformation of people and companies.

Taylor is dead

Lead your business transformation

We invite you to discover a new concept: The EnTrePrise, Ecosystem in Permanent Transformation.
Dare permanent transformation, reinvent your business! 
